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Certificate in Irish Whiskey reviews

Certificate in Irish Whiskey reviews

We’ve been really pleased to see the positive reviews coming in from those who’ve completed our Certificate in Irish Whiskey.

“Great program.”

“Professionally presented, good information, fun to do, fair price…”

“The EWA programs provide valuable information for the novice and expert.”

“The course content is very comprehensive, informative and in-depth.”

“Really enjoyed it. Allows me continue my whiskey journey with a degree of context and an appropriation for the chemistry and artistry which makes Irish whiskey such a wonderful find.”

We love hearing what you have to say about your learning experience. Creating the Certificate was a really enjoyable experience. The breadth of knowledge that teachers Fionnán O’Connor and Matt Healy have to share is incredible and their generosity of spirit is infectious. If you’d like to get involved in the course, you can buy - or try it for free.

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