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The A–Z of Scotch Whisky

Our essential glossary featuring 150+ words every whisky lover needs to know.

Whether you're swirling your first dram or you're deep in your whisky journey, this A–Z is your gateway to better understanding the world of Scotch.

Here, you'll find a list of clear, concise definitions of the most important terms in whisky, everything from the science of distillation and maturation, to the craft of cask-making and regional distinctions.

Bookmark this page, dip in and out, or explore it all from start to finish. However you use it, we hope it becomes your go-to reference for making sense of whisky’s wonderfully complex world.


ABV (Alcohol By Volume)

The percentage of pure alcohol (Ethanol) in a product by its volume. By law, Scotch whisky must be bottled at a minimum strength of 40% ABV.


A Volatile compound formed during Fermentation. While present in small amounts in New make spirit, its concentration typically decreases during Maturation. In high amounts, it can contribute off-notes such as green apple, paint thinner, or cut grass.


A key component of a whisky's flavour profile, acidity adds brightness and balance. It is influenced by Fermentation and Maturation and is measured in pH. Though not often discussed, acidity plays an important role in the overall structure and Mouthfeel of whisky.


The age of the whisky refers to the number of years it has spent maturing in oak casks, from the moment it is filled into the cask until it is bottled. For all types of Scotch Whisky, the age statement must reflect the youngest whisky in the bottle.

Legally, whisky cannot be called Scotch unless it has been matured in Scotland in oak casks for a minimum of three years.


See Maturation.


Ethanol is the type of alcohol produced during fermentation and the main alcohol present in whisky. It contributes to the whisky's texture, aroma and the way flavours are perceived. Alcohol content is measured as ABV (Alcohol By Volume).

Amino Acids

Compounds derived from the breakdown of proteins in Malted barley. During Kilning and later in Maturation, these amino acids react with sugars in Maillard reactions, contributing to the colour and flavour of whisky.


Enzymes that convert starches in malted barley into fermentable sugars during Mashing. The two primary forms are alpha-amylase and beta-amylase. Alongside limit dextrinase, they operate optimally at mashing temperatures (62–80°C) to produce sugars such as maltose and maltotriose, which are essential for Fermentation.

American Standard Barrel (ASB)

A 200 litre cask, typically used to mature bourbon in the United States. These Casks are commonly made from American White Oak and are widely used for maturing Scotch whisky once emptied.

American White Oak

Latin name: Quercus alba. Grown primarily in North America, this species is widely used in whisky cooperage due to its straight-grained wood and high levels of Vanillin. It contributes flavour notes of vanilla, coconut, honey and nuts, and is the source of most ex-bourbon casks used in Scotch Maturation.

Angels’ Share

The portion of whisky (both alcohol and water) that evaporates from the cask during Maturation. In Scotland, this loss typically ranges from 1.5–2% per year, depending on Warehouse conditions.


The scents or smells detected when Nosing whisky. Aromas arise from every stage of production - raw materials, fermentation, distillation, and maturation - and are influenced by the type of cask, length of ageing, and even warehouse conditions.

Common aromas include fruits, spices, vanilla, smoke and oak.

Nosing is a key part of whisky appreciation, as aroma contributes significantly to perceived flavour.



One of the three raw ingredients in Single malt Scotch whisky and a key ingredient in Blended Scotch whisky. Barley provides the starch that, through Mashing and Fermentation, is converted into Alcohol.


Also known as the American Standard Barrel (ASB), it is a Cask with a capacity of 200 litres (53 gallons). Widely used in the bourbon industry and commonly reused to mature Scotch whisky.

Blended Grain

One of the five categories of Scotch whisky, blended grain whisky is a blend of single grain whiskies from more than one distillery, with no malt whisky included. It is the least common of the Scotch whisky categories.

Blended Malt

A category of Scotch whisky made by blending single malts from different distilleries, without any grain whisky.

Formerly referred to as “Vatted Malt.”

Blended Whisky

One of the five categories of Scotch whisky defined by law, a blended whisky is a combination of one or more single malt whiskies with one or more single grain whiskies, often from multiple distilleries.

The raw materials used include water, yeast, malted barley, and other cereals such as wheat, maize, or unmalted barley.

By law, any age statement must refer to the youngest whisky in the blend.

Bonded Warehouse

A bonded warehouse (or bond) is a secure facility where dutiable goods, such as whisky, are stored without immediate payment of excise duty. This allows distillers to mature or bottle whisky without paying tax until it is removed for sale or export.

Bottling Strength

The ABV (alcohol by volume) at which whisky is bottled. Unless labelled as cask strength, the whisky is typically diluted with water after maturation to achieve the desired bottling strength—usually 40–46% ABV.

Bourbon Cask

Casks originally used to mature bourbon, made from charred American White Oak and typically with a 200 litre capacity. Under US law, bourbon must be matured in new oak casks, so these casks are often reused in Scotch Maturation.

The first fill of bourbon removes harsher elements from the oak, leaving behind rich flavours of vanilla, coconut and caramel, which influence the whisky during its second life in Scotland.


A stopper used to seal the Bung hole in the head or belly of a cask. Usually made of wood, though modern versions may also use hard nylon.

Bung Hole

The opening in a cask, usually located on the head or belly, through which whisky is filled or emptied. Its placement can be influenced by the warehousing style used for maturation.


A Scottish word for a stream or small river. Many distilleries take their process water from a nearby burn, which historically was considered a defining feature of whisky character.


A large cask with a capacity of approximately 500 litres. Traditionally used to mature Sherry, butts are made from European Oak and are highly prized in Scotch whisky maturation for the rich, dried fruit and spice character they can impart.



One of the five whisky regions recognised by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA).

Located on the west coast of Scotland on the Kintyre peninsula, Campbeltown was once home to over 30 whisky distilleries in the 1800s. Today, only three remain in operation.

Caramel Colouring

By law, E150a is the only permitted colouring additive in Scotch whisky. It may be added before bottling to adjust colour consistency, but not to affect flavour.


The vessel used to mature Scotch whisky. By law, casks must be made of oak and must not exceed 700 litres in capacity. Common sizes include Barrel (200 litres), Hogshead (250 litres), and Butt (500 litres).

Cask Strength

Describes a whisky that has not been diluted with water after Maturation and is bottled at its natural strength. Also known as barrel proof.


The process of burning the inside of an oak cask to create a layer of charcoal.

There are four common levels of char:
No.1 = 15 seconds
No.2 = 30 seconds
No.3 = 35 seconds
No.4 = 55 seconds (‘alligator char’ due to its scale-like pattern)

Charring helps break down the structure of the oak, enabling greater spirit penetration and flavour extraction. The charcoal layer also acts as a natural filter, removing unwanted compounds like sulphur from the maturing spirit.

Chill Filtration

A method used to remove compounds that can cause cloudiness in whisky, especially at lower temperatures. The whisky is cooled to between –10°C and +4°C and passed through a fine filter. The process is cosmetic and does not affect flavour significantly, though opinions vary.


Climate affects the speed and nature of whisky Maturation. Warmer climates accelerate ageing and increase the Angels’ Share, while cooler climates allow for slower, gentler development.

Coffey / Continuous Still

Invented and patented by Aeneas Coffey, the continuous still (also known as the Coffey still, column still, or patent still) consists of two columns: a rectifier and an analyser. It allows for Continuous distillation and is used to produce grain spirit at a much higher ABV than malt spirit. Continuous stills can operate 24/7 and produce spirit on a larger industrial scale than pot stills.

Column Still

See Coffey / Continuous Still.


A component of the distillation process that cools alcohol vapours and turns them back into liquid. Made of Copper, condensers contribute to flavour by encouraging further copper contact. Each still has its own condenser, usually one for the Wash still and one for the Spirit still. There are two types: Shell and tube, and Worm tub.


Compounds produced during Fermentation and Distillation that are responsible for much of whisky’s Aroma and flavour. Includes esters, aldehydes, acids, and higher alcohols.

Cooling Water

Water used in the condenser system to cool alcohol vapours and return them to liquid form. The temperature and flow rate of cooling water can influence the speed of condensation and ultimately affect the character of the spirit.


A highly skilled craftsperson who builds and repairs oak Casks using traditional tools and techniques. Most distilleries rely on external cooperages, though a few still maintain their own on-site. Only four distilleries in Scotland currently have their own cooperage.


A facility where casks are manufactured, repaired and rejuvenated by Coopers. While most Scotch distilleries send their casks to large commercial cooperages, a few still maintain traditional cooperages on-site.


Copper is essential to the construction of pot stills. It is malleable, an excellent conductor of heat and chemically reactive; removing undesirable compounds such as sulphur during distillation and contributing to spirit character.

Cut Point

The precise moment during the spirit run when the distiller transitions from Foreshots to Heart (the spirit cut), and later from heart to Feints. Cut points are determined by the distillery based on timing, ABV, and desired style. Traditional distilleries use hydrometers and thermometers; modern ones may use automated systems.



The breakdown of larger molecules into smaller ones. During Germination, this process helps convert stored compounds in the Barley into forms that can be used during Mashing and Fermentation.


A type of sugar produced during Mashing, especially from the breakdown of starches in malt. It is one of the fermentable sugars Yeast will convert into alcohol.


The spent grain left behind in the Mashtun after the sugary liquid (Wort) has been drained off. Draff is typically used as cattle feed or processed in biomass systems for energy.


A flavour compound produced during Fermentation, known for a buttery Aroma. In high concentrations, it is considered a fault in whisky.


Whisky normally comes off the still at between 65–67% ABV. It is commonly diluted to around 63.5% before entering Casks for Maturation and further reduced to bottling strength (typically 40–46% ABV) before packaging.


The process of purifying or separating components of a liquid by heating and cooling. In whisky making, the Wash is heated until alcohol and other compounds evaporate, then cooled to condense into liquid again. Each compound has a different boiling point, and distillation separates these to concentrate alcohol and remove impurities.

Distiller’s Yeast

A specially selected and cultured strain of Yeast used in distillery fermentations. It is chosen for its alcohol tolerance, Fermentation efficiency, and ability to produce desirable flavour compounds.


A place where spirits are produced. In Scotland, a distillery must follow the regulations laid out for Scotch whisky, including location, ingredients, and process.

Double Distillation

The most common method of Scotch whisky production, where the Wash is distilled twice: first in the Wash still and then in the Spirit still. This helps refine the alcohol and develop flavour.


A traditional Scottish term for a measure of whisky, also referred to as a "nip" or a "tot." It is not a standardised unit of measurement and is typically informal.

Drum Maltings

A modern method of Malting barley. Barley is placed into large rotating drums that control temperature and airflow, automating the Germination process until it is ready for Kilning.


A traditional style of whisky Warehouse featuring thick stone walls, an earthen floor and low racking (usually no more than three casks high). Dunnage warehouses tend to offer more stable, humid Maturation conditions and are often contrasted with Racked or Palletised warehouses.



The only type of caramel colouring permitted by law in Scotch Whisky. It is used for colour adjustment before bottling and must not affect flavour.


Proteins that accelerate chemical reactions in living organisms. In whisky production, enzymes are essential for breaking down starches into fermentable sugars during the Mashing process. Key Enzymes include Amylase, Cytase and Limit dextrinase.


Chemical compounds formed primarily during Fermentation when acids and alcohols combine. Esters are responsible for many of the fruity, floral, vanilla and herbal Aromas and flavours found in whisky. Their presence can be influenced by Yeast strain, Fermentation time, and Distillation technique.

European Oak

Latin name: Quercus robur. Slower growing and more porous than American White Oak (Quercus alba), European Oak tends to impart rich flavours of dried fruits, spice and Tannins. It is traditionally used for sherry casks and is prized in whisky Maturation for its bold influence on flavour.


The natural loss of liquid from a cask during Maturation, known as the Angels’ share. Both water and alcohol evaporate over time, and the rate depends on climate, Warehouse conditions and Cask type.


The process by which compounds in the Oak (e.g. vanillin, tannins, lignin-derived flavours) are drawn into the whisky during Maturation. Factors such as Cask type, Fill strength and time influence the level of extraction.


Fatty Acids

A group of flavour compounds formed during Fermentation. They contribute richness and Mouthfeel and can react with alcohols to form Esters.


The third fraction of Distillate collected during the spirit run in the Pot still. Feints follow the Heart (potable spirit) and are typically lower in alcohol and richer in heavier compounds. They are returned to the still, along with the Foreshots, for redistillation in the next run. Feints are also known as "tails."


The stage in whisky production where Alcohol is created. Yeast converts the sugars in the Wort into crude alcohol, carbon dioxide and flavour-active compounds. The resulting liquid, called Wash, resembles a sour beer and typically reaches 7–9% ABV.

Filling Strength

The ABV at which New make spirit is filled into Casks, typically around 63.5% ABV in Scotch whisky. Lower or higher filling strengths can influence Extraction and Maturation rates.


A Maturation technique where whisky is transferred from one Cask to another, often of a different origin, for a secondary period of Ageing. Common finishing casks include sherry, port, rum and wine barrels. The goal is to introduce additional layers of flavour and aroma.

First Fill / Fills

A Cask being used to mature Scotch whisky for the first time is called a first-fill cask. Subsequent uses are referred to as second-fill, third-fill, or more generally as refills. First-fill casks are more active, offering greater flavour extraction. It is estimated that over a 10-year period, a cask may lose approximately 40% of its extractives, meaning refill casks contribute less flavour over time.

Flavour Wheel

A sensory tool developed in the 1970s by the Scotch Whisky Research Institute (SWRI) to help describe and communicate whisky flavours. It presents descriptors in a circular, colour-coded format. Many distilleries and brands have since created their own versions, often highlighting Aroma and flavour development across production and Maturation.

Floor Maltings

The traditional method of Malting barley. After Steeping, the wet grain is spread across a smooth concrete floor to germinate. Over 7–8 days, it is regularly turned to control temperature and ensure even Germination. The process frees up starch that can later be converted into sugars for Fermentation. Floor maltings have largely been replaced by commercial Drum maltings.


The finest particle in Grist, making up approximately 10% of the total composition. Flour plays a role in Fermentation efficiency but too much can clog the Mashtun.


The first fraction of the distillate received during the spirit run. Foreshots are high in undesirable, Volatile compounds and are not collected for Maturation. They are returned to the still with the Feints for re-distillation. Also known as "heads."


Thick, oily by-products of grain distillation. Though not typically retained in whisky production, they can be sold on to other industries for use in solvents, fuel, or industrial processes.



An old name for an excise officer, historically stationed at distilleries to monitor spirit flow and tax compliance.


A Scottish word for "valley," commonly found in the names of distilleries and brands (e.g. Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, Glengoyne).

Grain Whisky

Grain Scotch whisky is made from malted barley, other unmalted cereals (such as maize, wheat, or corn), Yeast and Water. It is distilled in a Continuous (Coffey) still, allowing for large-scale production at a higher ABV than pot still distillation. Grain whisky is often used in blended Scotch but may also be bottled as a single grain.

Green Malt

The name given to Barley after Germination but before Kilning. At this stage, the malt is still wet and actively growing. Green malt is rich in Enzymes and ready to be dried and preserved in the Kiln.


A stage in the Malting process when steeped barley begins to sprout. Traditionally, barley was spread across the floor of a malting house and turned regularly by hand, see Floor maltings.

Today, the process is often carried out in large, rotating drums. During germination, the barley produces the enzyme diastase, which makes the starch soluble and ready for conversion into sugar during Mashing.


The medium-sized particles found in Grist, typically making up around 70% of the total composition. Grits provide the bulk of the starch needed for sugar conversion.


The coarse flour-like mixture made by milling malted barley. The consistency of the grist is critical for efficient Mashing and sugar extraction.

A typical composition is:
Husk (20%) – coarse
Grits (70%) – medium
Flour (10%) – fine

The grist must match the design of the Mashtun to ensure proper drainage and enzymatic activity.



See: Foreshots.


See: Cut.

Heat Exchanger

A piece of equipment used to cool the hot Wort before it enters the Fermentation stage, often referred to more specifically as a Wort cooler.

Heritage Barley

Older, non-commercial barley varieties sometimes used in experimental or traditional whisky-making to explore flavour differences.


One of the five whisky regions recognised by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA). The dividing line between the Highlands and Lowlands runs from the Firth of Clyde in the west to the Firth of Tay in the east. The Highland region also includes all island distilleries except those on Islay.


A Cask with a capacity of approximately 250 litres. Hogsheads are often made by dismantling and rebuilding American Standard Barrels (200 litres), using the original Staves but with new oak ends. These casks are widely used in Scotch Maturation due to their convenient size and availability.


The coarse outer layer of the malted barley grain. Husk typically makes up about 20% of the Grist and plays a crucial role in forming a natural filter bed in the Mashtun during Lautering.


An instrument used to measure the density (specific gravity) of a liquid. In whisky-making, a hydrometer is used, along with a thermometer, to calculate the alcohol content of Spirit or Wash during production and quality control.



Illegal or unauthorised. In the context of whisky, it often refers to unlicensed distilling practices that were common in Scotland prior to regulation. Many historic distilleries began as illicit operations in remote Glens and hillsides.


Refers to whisky that is maturing or stored in a Bonded warehouse, where excise duty has not yet been paid.

Independent Bottler

A company or individual who bottles whisky under their own label, typically buying Spirit from Distilleries and Ageing it independently. Not officially regulated as a term, but common in whisky circles.

Intermediate Still

A third still used in Triple distillation (e.g., at Auchentoshan or Springbank), placed between the Wash still and Spirit still.


One of the five whisky regions recognised by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA). Islay is an island off the west coast of Scotland, known as the “Queen of the Hebrides” due to its fertile land and whisky heritage. Islay whiskies are traditionally heavily peated, with bold, smoky, maritime flavours. The island is home to some of the most iconic distilleries in the world.


Japanese Oak

See: Mizunara.



A furnace used to dry germinated barley during the Malting process. Traditionally, kilns were fired using peat or wood, which could impart smoky flavours to the malt. Today, most kilns are powered by gas or heavy fuel oil for greater consistency and control.


The stage of Malting in which germinated barley is dried using heat to stop the Germination process. Kilning preserves enzyme activity while reducing moisture, preparing the Malt for Milling. The type of fuel used in the kiln, especially Peat, can significantly influence the flavour of the whisky.



Oak lactones are key flavour compounds extracted from wood during Maturation. The cis-isomer is most dominant and is associated with sweet aromas such as coconut and Vanillin. Lactone concentration varies by oak species, with Quercus alba (American White Oak) having the highest levels, and Quercus robur (European Oak) generally lower.


A type of Mashtun design that allows for efficient and controlled separation of Wort from Spent grain. Lauter tuns feature slowly rotating arms that can be raised or lowered to optimise drainage, making them faster and more precise than traditional mashtuns.


The streaks that form on the inside of a glass when whisky is swirled. Sometimes used as an informal indicator of body, alcohol content, or viscosity.


A natural compound found in Oak. When toasted or charred, lignin breaks down into a variety of flavour-active compounds, including Vanillin, guaiacol and eugenol. These contribute floral, spicy, fruity, and smoky notes to the whisky during Maturation.


One of the five whisky regions recognised by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA). The Lowlands lie south of an imaginary line drawn between the Firth of Clyde in the west and the Firth of Tay in the east. Traditionally associated with lighter, gentler styles of whisky.

Low Wines

The liquid collected from the first distillation in the Wash still. Low wines usually have an ABV of 22–25% and are transferred to the Spirit still for a second distillation. They contain both desirable and undesirable compounds and are not suitable for Maturation at this stage.

Lyne Arm

The horizontal or sloped pipe that connects the top of the still to the Condenser. Its angle and shape influence Reflux levels and, in turn, the character of the spirit.

Upward-angled lyne arms promote lighter, more refined spirits, while downward or straight arms result in heavier styles.

Sometimes also referred to as a lye pipe.



The overall process of Steeping, Germinating and Kilning barley to produce malt.


The process of blending two or more different whiskies together and allowing them to rest for a period of time, often in a stainless steel vat or sometimes in cask, so that the flavours can integrate and harmonise. Common in both blended and single malt releases.


The thick, porridge-like mixture of Grist and hot water in the Mashtun during the early stage of whisky production. It contains both solid and liquid components, from which fermentable sugars are extracted.


The process of adding hot water to the Grist to activate natural Enzymes (such as Amylase), which convert starches into fermentable sugars. Mashing takes place in a vessel called a Mashtun and is typically carried out in several stages at increasing temperatures.


The vessel where Mashing occurs. Usually made of cast iron or stainless steel, the bottom of the mashtun acts like a sieve to allow the sugary liquid, or Wort, to drain into the Underback while retaining the spent grain.

Master Blender

The person responsible for developing, refining and maintaining the character of blended whiskies. A master blender has an expert nose and palate and works with a range of casks and whisky styles to create consistent and balanced expressions.

Master Distiller

A senior figure within a distillery, responsible for overseeing the entire production process, managing quality control, product development, raw material sourcing and staff.


The process of Ageing whisky in oak Casks. By law, Scotch whisky must be matured in Scotland in oak casks for a minimum of three years. During Maturation, the spirit develops complexity, colour and flavour as it interacts with the wood and air.


A small-scale distillery, typically independently owned, producing whisky in limited volumes. Increasingly common in the global craft whisky movement.


The stage in production where dried, malted barley is ground into a coarse flour called Grist. This is typically done using a Roller mill and is critical for achieving the right consistency for Mashing.

Mill Room

The area of a distillery where Milling occurs. Often adjacent to the mash house.


Latin name: Quercus mongolica. Often called Japanese Oak, Mizunara is native to Japan and known for its challenging characteristics; it grows irregularly, has high moisture content and is very porous, making casks prone to leakage.

Mizunara casks offer unique aromas such as sandalwood, incense and coconut. Trees must be over 200 years old before harvesting, adding to their rarity and cost.


A term used to describe a Distillery that has been temporarily closed or decommissioned, but not dismantled. Also referred to as a silent distillery. Mothballed sites may resume production in the future if market conditions allow.



A serving style; whisky poured straight into a glass with no water, ice, or mixers.

New Make Spirit

The clear, high-alcohol liquid that comes off the Spirit still during the Distillation process. It is not yet whisky. New make spirit must be matured in Oak Casks in Scotland for a minimum of three years before it can legally be called Scotch whisky.

No Age Statement (NAS)

A whisky that is bottled without declaring the age of the spirit on the label. NAS whiskies became more common in the early 21st century due to supply pressures and increasing global demand. They are now a standard offering across many single malt and blended Scotch ranges.

Non-chill Filtered

A label term indicating that the whisky has not been chill filtered. Often used to appeal to purists who prefer minimal intervention.


The act of smelling a whisky in order to assess and identify its aromas. Nosing is a key part of whisky appreciation, as Aroma significantly influences flavour perception.

Nosing Glass

A specially shaped glass designed to concentrate the aromas of whisky for nosing. Typically wide at the base and narrow at the top to channel aromas towards the nose. Common styles include the Glencairn glass and the Copita glass.



By law, all Scotch whisky must be matured in oak casks no larger than 700 litres.

Maturation must take place in Scotland for a minimum of three years before the spirit can be legally called Scotch.

Oak is essential due to its strength, workability, and flavour-contributing compounds.

See: Quercus robur, Quercus alba, Quercus mongolica, Quercus petraea.

Olfactory System

The sensory system responsible for the sense of smell. It plays a vital role in whisky appreciation, as Aroma makes up a significant portion of flavour perception.

On the Nose

A tasting expression describing the aromas detected when Nosing a whisky.


A technical term referring to properties perceived by the senses such as taste, smell, and Mouthfeel. Often used in quality control and Sensory analysis.


A natural process that occurs during Maturation and after a bottle is opened. Oxidation can soften or alter whisky flavours over time.



A modern style of warehousing where Casks are stored upright on pallets, often stacked up to ten casks high. This system allows for efficient space use and easy movement with forklifts.

While operationally effective, the long-term impact of palletised warehousing on whisky Maturation is still under study.

Parts Per Million (PPM)

The unit used to measure phenolic content in malted barley. The figure refers to the concentration of Phenols before distillation, and it is estimated that more than half are lost during the process. The PPM number on a whisky label therefore indicates peat levels in the malt, not the final dram.

See: Phenols.


Decayed plant matter found across Scotland and parts of Europe. In whisky production, peat is traditionally burned during Kilning to dry germinated barley.

The smoke from the fire contains Phenols, which are absorbed by the grain and contribute a distinctive smoky, earthy Aroma and flavour to the final whisky.

Peat is also a traditional fuel for heating homes.

See: Peat Reek, Phenols, Parts Per Million (PPM).

Peat Reek

The smoke produced from burning Peat. It is desirable when aiming to infuse malted barley with smoky aromas during the Kilning process.


A tasting term used to describe smoky, medicinal, or rubbery notes caused by phenols.


A group of chemical compounds found in peat smoke that are responsible for the smoky, medicinal and earthy aromas in peated whisky.

Phenols are absorbed by malted barley during Kilning and measured in parts per million (PPM).

See: Peat, PPM.

Port Pipe

A large Cask, typically around 350 litres or more, originally used for maturing port wine. These casks are sometimes used to finish or fully mature Scotch whisky, imparting rich, fruity and sometimes spicy notes.

Pot Ale

The residue left in the Wash still after the first distillation. It accounts for roughly two-thirds of the original charge and contains protein and other solids. Pot ale is typically processed and condensed into syrup for use as cattle feed.

Pot Still

A type of copper still used in Batch distillation. Resembling a large kettle, the pot still heats the fermented Wash, separating alcohol from water and impurities. The shape and size of the pot still have a significant impact on the character of the resulting spirit.


A scale of alcohol measurement, primarily used in the United States. It is calculated as twice the Alcohol by volume (ABV). For example, 40% ABV equals 80 proof. In the UK and EU, ABV is the standard measurement.


A large cask used for maturing whisky, typically ranging from 500 to 700 litres. Sherry puncheons tend to be larger than rum puncheons. Due to their size and wood type, puncheons offer a slower, more gentle extraction of flavour.


A pipe connected to the Lyne arm that redirects heavier vapours or condensed liquid back into the pot still for re-distillation.

This increases Reflux and effectively introduces an additional level of purification.

Purifiers are relatively rare and are used by a small number of distilleries, including Ardbeg, Strathisla, Talisker, and Glen Grant.



A traditional two-handled, shallow drinking cup used in Scotland to share whisky.

Originally carved from wood, modern quaichs are often made from silver or pewter. The word comes from the Gaelic cuach, meaning “cup.”

Quaichs were historically used to offer guests a welcome drink or during ceremonial clan gatherings, with each person drinking from the same vessel to symbolise unity and friendship.

Quality Control

An essential part of whisky production, involving lab analysis and sensory checks throughout Malting, Fermentation, Distillation, Maturation, and Bottling.

Quarter Cask

A smaller Cask, generally around 125 litres in capacity. Typically made by modifying a 200 litre American Standard Barrel removing several staves and rebuilding it.

Quarter casks offer a greater surface area to volume ratio, which accelerates maturation and intensifies wood influence. Custom or bespoke smaller sizes also exist.

Quercus Alba

See: American White Oak.

Quercus Mongolica

See: Mizunara.

Quercus Petraea

Also known as Sessile Oak, Cornish Oak, or Durmast Oak. Native to much of Europe, it is less commonly used for whisky maturation than Quercus alba (American White Oak) or Quercus robur (European Oak), but shares similar flavour characteristics and structural qualities.

Quercus Robur

See: European Oak.



A modern style of Warehousing where Casks are stored on their sides and stacked in metal or wooden racks, typically up to 10 or 12 rows high. Racked warehousing allows for efficient use of vertical space and easier access to individual casks compared to traditional Dunnage storage.

Raw Materials

The basic ingredients used in whisky production.

For Single malt Scotch whisky: malted barley, water, and yeast.

For Single grain Scotch whisky: water, yeast, and a mix of malted barley and other cereals such as maize or wheat.


Vessels into which different fractions of the distillate (Foreshots, Heart, Feints) are collected from the Spirit safe. Technical but useful if explaining distillery equipment in detail.


A key aspect of Distillation, reflux occurs when alcohol vapours rise in the still, encounter a cooler surface (such as the neck or Lyne arm), condense and fall back into the pot to be re-distilled.

Reflux contributes to spirit character: greater reflux tends to produce lighter, more refined spirit; less reflux results in heavier, oilier spirit.

Refill Cask

A Cask that has previously been used for maturing Scotch whisky one or more times.

These are typically referred to as second-fill, third-fill, etc. Refill casks are less active than first-fills and impart more subtle influence, allowing the distillery character to shine through.

Cask fill numbers are often indicated by different coloured paint on the cask ends.


The five legally recognised Scotch whisky regions, as defined by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), are:

  • Highland
  • Lowland
  • Speyside
  • Islay
  • Campbeltown

Each region has its own general style and identity, though these lines are increasingly blurred in modern production.


A mechanical arm or chain inside a directly fired still that rotates or scrapes along the bottom to prevent solids (such as Yeast residue) from sticking and burning.

Rummagers help preserve flavour and prevent off-notes in distilleries using traditional direct-fired methods.



The process by which complex starches are broken down into simple fermentable sugars during Mashing. This is triggered by the activation of natural Enzymes, primarily Amylase, when hot water is added to the Grist.

Saladin Box

A mechanical system used for malting barley, serving as an alternative to traditional Floor maltings. It consists of a long trough with a perforated floor, through which air is blown to control temperature and moisture. A turning mechanism periodically stirs the grain to ensure even Germination.

Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)

The trade organisation that represents and protects the Scotch whisky industry. The SWA works to promote Scotch whisky globally, safeguard its legal definitions and uphold quality standards across the industry.


Shell & Tube Condenser

A modern style of Condenser commonly used in Scotch distilleries. It consists of a bundle of copper tubes housed within a shell through which cold water is piped, condensing the alcohol vapour into liquid.

See: Worm Tub.


A fortified wine made from white grapes, primarily in the Andalusia region of southern Spain.

Sherry-seasoned casks (especially Oloroso and PX) are commonly used to mature Scotch whisky, contributing rich notes of dried fruit, spice and nuttiness.

Single Malt Scotch Whisky

One of the five legally recognised styles of Scotch whisky. Single malt Scotch whisky must be made from only Malted barley, Water and Yeast and must be distilled at a single distillery using pot stills in a batch process.

Slàinte Mhath

A traditional Gaelic toast meaning "good health." Commonly used when raising a dram in Scotland.

Often shortened to Slàinte and used informally in written sign-offs.

Single Cask

A whisky bottled from just one individual cask. Single cask releases are typically limited in number and may vary significantly from batch to batch, highlighting the uniqueness of each cask’s influence.


A fractional ageing system used in sherry and sometimes mimicked in whisky blending.

Spent Lees

The residue left behind in the Spirit still after Distillation, following the removal of Foreshots, Heart and Feints.

Spent lees are treated as waste, often processed before disposal or recycling.


One of the five officially recognised Scotch whisky regions, located within the broader Highland region.

Speyside is known for its high concentration of distilleries, more than half of Scotland’s malt distilleries are located here, and is associated with elegant, fruity and often sherried styles of whisky.

Spirit Safe

A lockable, glass-and-metal chamber that receives Spirit as it leaves the still. It contains instruments such as a Hydrometer and Thermometer, allowing the distiller to assess the alcohol strength without physically accessing the spirit.

Handles or levers outside the safe allow the distiller to divert the flow between different receivers (Foreshots, Heart, Feints).

Spirit Still

Also called the Low wines still. It performs the second and final stage of Distillation in Pot still distilleries. It receives low wines and other recycled fractions and separates them into Foreshots, Heart, and Feints.

Still House

The part of a Distillery where the Wash still and Spirit still are located. Often seen as the "engine room" of the whisky-making process.


The first stage of Malting. Barley is soaked in water and then rested in air repeatedly over a period of 2–3 days to raise its moisture content and trigger Germination. The process is closely monitored for timing and temperature.

Sulphur / Sulphury

A tasting note or characteristic often discussed in relation to cask types or distillation practices. Can be desirable or a flaw, depending on context and concentration.



See: Feints.


Naturally occurring compounds found in Oak. During Maturation, tannins are extracted into the whisky and contribute a dry, slightly astringent mouthfeel as well as colour and complexity. Tannin levels vary by oak species and Cask usage.


A process where cask staves are gently heated, usually in a large oven, for a longer duration at lower temperatures than Charring.

Toasting breaks down Cellulose and Lignin in the wood, creating sugars and aromatic compounds like Vanillin.

Toasted casks can impart sweeter, spicier, and more nuanced flavours to whisky.

Triple Distillation

A distillation method in which the spirit is distilled three times instead of the standard two. The additional run, typically done in an Intermediate still, results in a lighter, smoother spirit.

Triple distillation is more common in Irish whiskey but is also used by a few Scotch distilleries (e.g. Auchentoshan).



A holding vessel located beneath the Mashtun. It collects the Wort, the sugary liquid extracted during Mashing, before it is pumped into the Washbacks for Fermentation.

The underback allows for smooth transfer and flow management between production stages.

Uisge Beatha

The Gaelic term meaning "water of life," from which the word "whisky" is derived. Over time, uisge beatha was shortened to uisge, then anglicised to whisky.


Refers to whisky made using malted barley that has not been exposed to Peat smoke during Kilning. Typically lighter and fruitier in style.

Unmalted Barley

Barley that has not undergone the Malting process. It is permitted in Single grain Scotch whisky but not in Single malt Scotch whisky.



A tube used to extract whisky samples directly from a cask for nosing or tasting. Traditionally made of copper or glass, a valinch is inserted through the Bung hole and works by creating suction. It is an essential tool in Cask management and quality assessment.


The process of mixing multiple casks or whiskies together before Bottling. Often used interchangeably with “Marrying,” though vatting typically refers to combining liquids of similar style or age.


A label term indicating the year of Distillation. Most common in Single cask or limited edition releases, especially from Independent bottlers.

Virgin Oak

A cask that has not previously held any liquid before being filled with New make spirit. Virgin oak is typically heavily toasted or charred before use, providing intense wood influence and faster Extraction. It contributes bold flavours such as spice, vanilla, caramel and coconut.


A measure of the whisky’s thickness or texture, perceived on the palate. Sometimes observed visually by the “Legs” in a glass after swirling.

Volatile Congeners

Organic compounds that evaporate easily and contribute to whisky Aroma. These include Esters, Aldehydes, and higher alcohols. For a whisky’s aroma to be detected by the Olfactory system, these Congeners must become airborne.



The building in which whisky matures over time.

There are three main types of warehouses:

  • Dunnage – traditional stone buildings with earth floors and low racking.
  • Palletised – casks stored upright on pallets, often stacked up to ten high.
  • Racked – casks stored on their sides in racks, typically stacked in rows.

Each style affects Maturation differently due to variations in airflow, humidity and temperature.


The liquid produced after Fermentation, with an alcohol content of approximately 7–9% ABV. Wash has a flavour similar to sour beer and is transferred to the Wash still for the first distillation run.

Wash Still

The first of the two pot stills used in Scotch whisky distillation. It receives the wash and performs the initial distillation to create Low wines.


The large vessel in which Fermentation takes place. Washbacks are typically made of stainless steel or Douglas fir. Yeast is added to the Wort inside the washback to convert sugars into alcohol and flavour compounds over a period of two to four days.


One of the three permitted ingredients in Single malt Scotch whisky, alongside Malted barley and Yeast. Water is used throughout production - for Mashing, Fermentation, Dilution and Cooling - and its mineral content can influence the process and flavour.

Wood Policy

A distillery’s approach to cask selection, use and management. Increasingly referenced in discussions of flavour and sustainability.

World Whiskies

A collective term for whiskies produced outside of Scotland. This includes Irish, American, Japanese, Indian, Canadian, Taiwanese and other emerging whisky-producing regions. Each country has its own regulations, traditions and styles.

Worm Tub

A traditional style of Condenser used in pot still distillation. It consists of a long copper coil (the “worm”) immersed in a large, cold water tank, usually elevated.

As spirit vapour travels through the coil, it condenses into liquid. Worm tubs are known for producing a heavier, sulphur-rich spirit compared to modern shell and tube condensers.

See: Shell & Tube Condenser.


The sugary liquid extracted from the Mashtun after Mashing. Wort contains the soluble sugars needed for Fermentation and is cooled before being transferred to the Washback.

Wort Cooler

A plate heat exchanger used to rapidly reduce the temperature of the wort after mashing. This prevents the high heat from killing the Yeast during Fermentation. Wort is typically cooled to between 16–18°C, depending on the distillery and ambient conditions.



One of the three permitted ingredients in Single malt Scotch whisky, alongside Malted barley and Water. Yeast is a single-celled micro-organism that feeds on sugars in the Wort during Fermentation, producing alcohol, carbon dioxide and a range of flavour-active compounds that contribute to the character of the final spirit.


A measurement of the amount of alcohol (or Wort) produced from a given amount of Malted barley. Monitored closely in distilleries for efficiency.

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